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Next up is a new feature that allows you to configure teams and members. This is a first step of a bigger feature, including invitations and authorisation.</p> </article> <article class="announcement content-body text-base" id="announcement_26"> <h2 class="announcement__title"> <div class='mb-2'> <span class="announcement__type announcement__type--news">news</span> <span class="announcement__published">April 2020</span> </div> Sjabloon has a new owner </h2> <p>Just a few weeks ago I took over as the owner, developer and everything in between of Sjabloon. Before that I was already part-time working on Sjabloon and am excited to continue spending more time on it. Sjabloon has seen hundreds of customers and thousands of apps built, since its launch in December 2018. It’s an amazing product with even better prospects. I am excited to move its development forwards. If you have any question or suggestions, <a href="/about">do get in touch</a>.</p> </article> <article class="announcement content-body text-base" id="announcement_24"> <h2 class="announcement__title"> <div class='mb-2'> <span class="announcement__type announcement__type--news">news</span> <span class="announcement__published">March 2020</span> </div> Improvements to the knowledge base </h2> <p>The <a href="#">Knowledge Base</a> just got some improvements with, most notably, the option to search through the articles. As the features in Sjabloon grow constantly it becomes (even) more important to improve the documentation. These UI changes are the first step towards this. Looking forward to your feedback!</p> </article> <article class="announcement content-body text-base" id="announcement_22"> <h2 class="announcement__title"> <div class='mb-2'> <span class="announcement__type announcement__type--news">news</span> <span class="announcement__published">February 2020</span> </div> Chris joins Sjabloon 👋 </h2> <p>If you have been in touch with us the last couple of weeks, you might met him already: Chris! He joins Sjabloon to help with support and develop the product you love to use. Welcome Chris! Super happy to have you. 🙌</p> </article> <article class="announcement content-body text-base" id="announcement_21"> <h2 class="announcement__title"> <div class='mb-2'> <span class="announcement__type announcement__type--release">release</span> <span class="announcement__published">January 2020</span> </div> v1.1.0 release is here </h2> <p>The first release of 2020 is here and it’s quite a beefy release with updated announcements UI and all-new stimulus controller that works like those fancy changelog dropdown (think headway/beamer). Configuration options for ActiveStorage providers S3 and DigitalOcean Spaces and a first set of developers tools to help you build an even more solid first app.</p> </article> <article class="announcement content-body text-base" id="announcement_20"> <h2 class="announcement__title"> <div class='mb-2'> <span class="announcement__type announcement__type--news">news</span> <span class="announcement__published">January 2020</span> </div> Welcome to the 300th happy Sjablooner </h2> <p>Yesterday at 17:21 UTC Arnaud (from 🇩🇪) was the 300th person to buy a licence to Sjabloon (unlimited plan). 🎉 I’ve already contacted them to tell the news. Looking forward to see the amazing apps you will build, Arnaud!</p> </article> <article class="announcement content-body text-base" id="announcement_19"> <h2 class="announcement__title"> <div class='mb-2'> <span class="announcement__type announcement__type--news">news</span> <span class="announcement__published">December 2019</span> </div> Sjabloon Year in Review 2019 (and a little celebration) </h2> <p>2019 was the first full year of business, as Sjabloon launched in December 2018. It’s been a great a year. So many things happened: new features, new UI components and many products built using Sjabloon. 😊</p> <ul> <li>added a section to celebrate products <a href="https://www.getsjabloon.com/built-with">built with Sjabloon</a>.</li> <li>launched v1 of Sjabloon full of new features, all-new UI themes</li> <li>welcomed on average 25 new customers <em>every month</em>…</li> <li>…which makes a total of (almost) 300 customers…</li> <li>…and almost built 1,200 apps altogether.</li> </ul> <h2>Fun give-away as a celebration</h2> <p>🎉 As customer 300 is really close, I’d like to do something fun to celebrate. The 300th customer will get upgraded to the unlimited plan (or get a full refund <em>if</em> they choose the unlimited plan). Sounds good? <a href="/pricing">What are you waiting for</a>?</p> <p>If you are celebrating: enjoy your the holidays! 🎄</p> </article> <article class="announcement content-body text-base" id="announcement_18"> <h2 class="announcement__title"> <div class='mb-2'> <span class="announcement__type announcement__type--release">release</span> <span class="announcement__published">November 2019</span> </div> Announcing the biggest new release since launch </h2> <p>Since the launch in December 2018, Sjabloon has seen well over 250 sales. From solo-makers to successful entrepreneurs to web agencies. From Asia to Americas to Oceania. Different people from all over the world use Sjabloon as the starting point for their next new Rails app. I’ve always sent each of these customers a short survey to ask for feedback. This huge new release is the accumulation of that. ✨</p> <p>Although Sjabloon was officially offered as a beta-product, it was already incredible useful to all these people. Thanks to their feedback, Sjabloon v1 is here and is more feature-rich than ever before. From new UI themes and homepages designs, new admin dashboard design to GDPR, API integrations with Mailerlite and Buttondown.email, up to a custom generator for content marketing pages. And that’s not all, there are a lot more smaller features and fixes added too!</p> <p>Also introducing now is the new pricing to better reflect how Sjabloon has been used in the past 12 months. For $79 you can build one app, for just $129 up to five apps and for the very low price of $249 you get to build unlimited apps. They also come respectively with 6 months, 12 months and unlimited access to the UI components library.</p> <p>As always, the number of features on the backlog is quite long, so this is just the beginning!</p> </article> <article class="announcement content-body text-base" id="announcement_17"> <h2 class="announcement__title"> <div class='mb-2'> <span class="announcement__type announcement__type--news">news</span> <span class="announcement__published">October 2019</span> </div> Last week saw the 250th sale </h2> <p>Last week Sjabloon saw the 250th sale since its launch in December 2018. This is the kind of number I did not expect when I set about to launch this. I thought (and hoped) just a few people would benefit from this little thing I built initially for myself. But seeing more than 250 people who can now build successful apps quicker and easier is simply awesome. It is even more amazing, as officially, Sjabloon is still in its pre-v1 release. The v1 version is set to be released within a few weeks. Onwards to the next 250!</p> </article> <article class="announcement content-body text-base" id="announcement_16"> <h2 class="announcement__title"> <div class='mb-2'> <span class="announcement__type announcement__type--release">release</span> <span class="announcement__published">September 2019</span> </div> New release with Rails 6 and PurgeCss </h2> <p>Release v0.15 is the upgrade to the highly-anticipated Rails 6 release. Sjabloon now gives you the option to add ActionText and ActionMailbox. All dependencies, but FriendlyId are updated, to be compatible with this new release. For FriendlyId we rely on their master branch on Github. A new release will be up once they will update it too. Also new is the way credentials are added. Sjabloon already gave you the option to separate by enviroment (eg. development, production), but with Rails 6 these are now separated by different files. This is more secure as access to credentials can now be limited (ie. not everybody does need access to the production credentials). With Webpack now as default option with Rails, Sjabloon now fully disabled sprockets as all assets (JS, but Css + images too) were served by webpack already. Furthermore PurgeCss is now included by default. It’s a great little tool that will help you keep your Css file size small.</p> </article> <nav aria-label="pager" class="pagination" role="navigation"> <a href="/announcements?page=1" rel="prev" class='pagination-item', aria-label='previous'><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 20 20" class="w-3 h-3 fill-current"><path d="M7.05 9.293L6.343 10 12 15.657l1.414-1.414L9.172 10l4.242-4.243L12 4.343z"></path></svg></a> <a href="/announcements?page=1" rel="prev" class='pagination-item'>1</a> <a href="/announcements?page=2" class='pagination-item pagination-item--active'>2</a> <a href="/announcements?page=3" rel="next" class='pagination-item'>3</a> <a href="/announcements?page=4" class='pagination-item'>4</a> <a href="/announcements?page=3" rel="next" class='pagination-item', aria-label='next'><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 20 20" class="w-3 h-3 fill-current"><path d="M12.95 10.707l.707-.707L8 4.343 6.586 5.757 10.828 10l-4.242 4.243L8 15.657l4.95-4.95z"></path></svg></a> </nav> <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center p-4 mt-4 sm:mt-8 sm:p-16"> <h3 class="text-3xl font-semibold leading-tight text-center text-gray-700"> A Rails SaaS starter kit to build successful products </h3> </div> </div> <footer class="footer-wrapper"> <div class="footer container mx-auto"> <div class="footer__items"> <a class="footer__item footer__link" href="/for-you">is Sjabloon for me?</a> <a class="footer__item footer__link" href="/built-with">built with Sjabloon</a> <a class="footer__item footer__link" href="/about">about</a> <a class="footer__item footer__link" href="/announcements">announcements</a> </div> </div></footer> <script async defer data-domain="getsjabloon.com" src="https://plausible.io/js/plausible.js"></script> </body> </html>